When is it appropriate to use rehabilitation and physiotherapy?
Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in our center are based on an individual approach, 28-year tradition and professionally erudite workers.
The field of rehabilitation and physiotherapy includes a comprehensive approach to the treatment of a patient’s health problem from various professional points of view. We try not only to relieve our clients of pain and acute problems, but to provide them with help in the process of change, which is often necessary so that health problems do not reappear and recur. Our physiotherapists pay attention to the overall health condition and mental setting of the client and their time options, so it is possible to compile a quality and individual rehabilitation plan. Physiotherapists are constantly educated in their field and in our center they are in intensive contact with the attending physicians, so they are fully prepared to help every patient professionally and effectively.
We can help you with the following health problems:
- Acute and chronic back pain
- Trauma rehabilitation
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Tennis elbow
- Scoliosis and poor posture
- Pos-covid syndrome
- Stiff muscles and muscle spasms
- Migraines from the cervical spine

What does rehabilitation in SZC Hippocrates contain:
- Comprehensive individual rehabilitation treatment plan
- Personal coaching by a physiotherapist
- Rehabilitation techniques such as:
Soft techniques: This is an interplay of grips and techniques that a physiotherapist uses to eliminate a problem with the musculoskeletal system. Soft techniques are performed by applying pressure to the respective points. The muscle responds by gradually relaxing from the cervical spine down to the coccyx. As part of soft techniques, we focus first on the surface parts (skin and subcutaneous tissue) and then the deeper-seated structures (muscles and fascia).
Mobilization techniques: Mobilization techniques are gentle repetitive movements in the joint (till where the joints let us go). Near a blocked joint or segment, the soft tissues also change, the blood and lymphatic circulation is impaired, they serve to restore the mobility of the joints in a given functional disorder. With the help of mobilization techniques, functional blockages of the musculoskeletal system caused by various causes are removed.
Healthy Back School: Contains demonstrations and movement exercises for the proper performance of normal daily activities such as sitting or getting out of bed, performing work stereotypes and much more.
Pilates Exercises: This system was developed by Joseph Hubert Pilates, and based on his experience, he gradually developed his own exercise method, in which he combined the Western and Eastern exercise systems. Exercises activate the deep (stabilizing) muscular system, thus eliminating muscle imbalances, relieving back and joint pain and emphasizing proper posture. The Pilates method coordinates breathing with movements, improves balance and flexibility, strengthens weakened and at the same time stretches shortened muscles, improves fitness, calms the mind and thus, of course, relieves stress. In our center we also offer seasonal tickets for individual Pilates at reasonable prices.
SM system: Represents systematic exercises focused on the human locomotor system, especially the spine. It combines rehabilitation treatment with prevention, regeneration and fitness training in a uniform methodological procedure. The author is a former athlete and renowned Czech doctor M.D. Richard Smisek. SM system is designed for everyone – for children from 5 years of age, adults and older people who are interested in healthy physical development, prevention of back pain, or suffer from back problems. The SM system has a huge advantage and that is, you can practice it at home and during the holidays. A special elastic rope is used as a basic exercise aid for performing these exercises, which can be purchased at our clinic.
Post-covid rehabilitation techniques: The post-covid rehabilitation program is intended for patients suffering from the consequences of respiratory diseases and functional failures of internal organs, especially for patients who overcame a moderate COVID-19 disease. Post-covid rehabilitation includes respiratory and movement therapy as well as education of patients with post-covid syndrome performed by a physiotherapist.
Electrotherapy: It is one of the methods of physical therapy, it uses the effects of mainly electrical energy, which provides several effects on the patient’s health, in a weakened place. Primary effects include an analgesic effect, a pain-reducing effect, an improvement in overall blood circulation, and suppresses inflammatory conditions.
Ultrasound treatment: Ultrasound treatment is one of the physical procedures, it is also one of the types of thermotherapies, a treatment that uses heat for its effect. Thanks to the heat, ultrasound therapy can release very painful conditions, types of chronic and acute pain. Ultrasound therapy has beneficial effects, which include, without exception, relaxation of stiff muscles thanks to micro massage, which is also the effect of ultrasound.
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