about us
We are the first private neurological clinic in Slovakia and we mainly focus on the treatment of back pain, tetany, migraines, anxiety states, burnout, or chronic fatigue. We are based in Bratislava in Apollo Biznis Center II and in terms of treatment system and years of experience we are unique. It is important, however, that in 30 years of operation of our clinic under the leadership of MUDr. Karol Točík, CSc. we can use these experiences and effectively treat our patients. Our center has high-quality experts in the field of neurology, rehabilitation, and we also offer the services of a general practitioner for adults, an internist, and an art therapist. You can read more about our center here.
The Hippokrates Clinic primarily provides:
- top outpatient care,
- infusion therapy,
- spraying treatment,
- fast appointments for examinations,
- comprehensive treatment programs.
ambulances and services
If you need help with pain relief as quickly as possible and you are interested in an examination appointment as soon as possible, call us at number +421 903 788 670, and we will find an appointment for you within 24 hours. Acute examination lasts 50 min. and is charged in the amount of 150 €. Our reception will be provide you with more information by phone based on a review of your health problem.
our approach
At the Hippokrates clinic, we primarily treat, the initial comprehensive examination is often only the beginning of the comprehensive daily-care treatment that we offer. Everything begins with a thorough examination and diagnosis lasting more than an hour. Thanks to experienced professionals and quality health services, we are able to solve your problem in context, precisely and under one roof. We are aware that most of our clients need a quick appointment for an examination, a professional solution to their health problem, and especially to be back to their full strength and health as soon as possible. We value every client, because only thanks to their trust and favor, our center has been operating for three decades.
You can count on us.
We approach each client individually, which is why we offer you the opportunity to choose a specialist-neurologist according to your own preferences. Waiting periods and deadlines for examinations, checks or diagnostic methods of EMG and USG of the neck vessels are usually shorter than 7 working days. However, if you need an earlier date, do not hesitate to contact us by phone.
- Entrance neurological examination
- Electromyography of tetany
- Sonography of the neck vessels
- Electromyography of tetany
- Electromyography of lower and upper limbs
- Electromyography of carpal tunnel
- Electromyography of tetany
- Electromyography of lower and upper limbs
- Electromyography of carpal tunnel
- Electromyography of radiculopathy
- Electromyography of tremor
We are interested in your opinion
Monika Kováčiková2025-03-25 Tiež som vďačná za toto centrum. Dokonca aj keď je to od ruky. Termín objednania je rýchly, nemusí človek čakať pol roka kým sa niekde objedná, dokonca sa dá telefonicky konzultovať, čo mi nesmierne vyhovuje. Pani MUDr. Macková je od začiatku ochotná dany problem riešiť, za čo som veľmi vďačná. Юлия Еременко2025-03-20 Anton Loula2025-03-04 Pred 2 rokmi som mal neskutočne silné bolesti spôsobené zápalom sedacieho nervu. Každý pohyb mi spôsoboval veľké bolesti. Po 5-dňovom trápení sa ma prijali na ambulantnú liečbu v centre Hippokrates. Dnes môžem s radosťou konštatovať, že správna diagnostika môjho problému, zvolené liečebné postupy a pravidelná rehabilitácia viedli k zásadnému zlepšeniu môjho zdravotného stavu. Dnes už nemám žiadne bolesti, vrátila sa mi hybnosť. Som za to kolektívu, hlavne p. Dr. Točíkovi, a fyzioterapeutovi p. Benkove, tohto zdravotníckeho zariadenia veľmi, veľmi vďačný a želám im v ďalšej práci veľa úspechov. Anton Loula, Bratislava Veronika Kršáková2025-02-27 Tomas2025-02-04 zuzana repacova2025-02-02 Hajnalka Liptáková2024-12-22 PhDr. M Katarína Pjatková, PhD.2024-09-01 Monika Kršáková2024-08-19 V súkromnom zdravotníckom centre Hippokrates mi veľmi pomohli. Oceňujem dôkladné vyšetrenie,pedantnosť, dôslednosť,profesionálny,prístup,empatiu neurologičky MUDr.Mackovej,MUDr.Abaffyho a Mgr.Točík Berkyovej. Taktiež veĺmi odporúčam Arteterapiu,ktorá mi v kombinácii s ostatnými liečebnými postupmi pomohla naštartovať samo-liečebný proces a pomohla nájsť mechanizmy v ďalšom osobnom i profesijnom smerovaní.